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Headstand Journey

Often cited as the ‘King of asanas’, Sirsasana (sirs - head asana - pose in Sanskrit) is a pose we work towards in yoga. It has many health benefits so has earned its place!

Headstand provides stress relief taking our attention inward therefore lowering anxiety, stress & fear, especially when combined with long slow coherent breath. Going upside down flushes out our adrenal glands, as stress hormones producers once cleaned they work better meaning we are more resilient to stress. More blood flow to the brain increases mental function, focus & sharpness. Headstand means more blood flows to the head & scalp, bringing blood & nutriends to the hair folicles, which could help hair quality! It brings more O2 & nutrient rich blood to the eyes, preventing macular degeneration etc. Practitioners of Headstand push into the forearms increasing shoulder, back & upper body strength. along with core strength in maintaining the pose which helps with injury reduction in general. Being inverted decreases fluid build up in the legs, ankles & feet reversing the effects of gravity on the body. Headstands stimulate the lymphatic system, the lymph system of nodes & fluids remove waste from the blood, so stimulating the lymphatic system helps remove toxins from he body. Lastly Headstand improves digestion by reversing gravity & bringing blood to digestive organs helping nutrient absorption, especially when combined with deep belly breathing.

To work towards headstand, build your shoulder strength & flexibility with cat, plank, downward dog, three-legged dog, standing forward bend, wide-legged forward bend, twisted wide-legged forward bend, eagle arms, cow face arms & dolphin poses. Once you are stronger & more flexible start with one legged headstand, then headstand on the wall taking both legs up at once before moving to the full pose unsuported. Enjoy the journey there is no rush, be safe!

Headstands are not for those with high or low blood pressure, glaucoma or recent eye surgery or neck problems.