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Scared Architecture of the Body

Yoga helps to regularly remind us how to respect the bodies we are born with & how to access good posture & alignment in daily life.

As we pay attention to our feet and send energy down into the earth it rebounds and sends energy up our bodies, lengthening & lifting us up. The same way that the foundations of buildings go down to support the floors above. All the way through practice we learn to align our skeleton and therefore muscles to support us in exertion, asymmetry & balance. This is in contrast to daily life which can entail sitting for long periods, working in odd positions and making habitual shapes for long periods of time. The yoga we do in class serves as a reminder to move more often, make new shapes, come back into balance out of respect for our bodies.

All practice this week is dedicated to the architect Peter Whicheloe who passed away last week. He designed our wonderful studio space & this building has had a profoundly positive effect on our lives, a quirky, fun loving, creative soul, he will be hugely missed by all around him.