Goal Setting
In Yoga Sutra 4.2, Pantanjali states ‘transformation from one state of being into another happens when we realise the abundance of our own potential.
When it comes to transforming our minds, changing our habits or settling into a new routine we must let go of the past, focus on what we can do now & focus on what the future holds. Goal setting works because it forces us to focus on one particular future state & transform our decision making in each present moment.
Taking the scientific approach (Hubermanlabs.com) we can help ourselves to achieve our goals by thinking about these points:
HOW you approach goals is hugely important, is your goal realistic? Is it a stepping stone to a bigger goal? How will you do it, plan & map your pathway in detail. Also is it better to steer yourself away from using an ‘avoidant’ approach? For example swap ‘I won’t eat sweet things for X amount of time’ for more positive goals, I want to be more healthy & sweet things are not part of that.
WHO sets the goal, if its not you you won’t feel inspired, so let your own goals that relate to you & where you are now.
WHEN you set goals is important, setting goals about your yoga practice while you are doing yoga will be more realistic than when you are scrolling through instagram looking at people in contortionist positions.
BE AWARE that we start off focused but our commitment naturally wanes so allow yourself some off-days, some get out of jail free days to balance this. Also be aware of the MIDDLE PROBLEM ie the boring bit in the middle when you are doing ok & just need to keep going but are not as fired up as at the start! Three months is a long time so smaller monthly goals are better.
Make a CLEAN SLATE, forget the past, it doesn’t matter, you have a new future, its a powerful motvation.
Lastly use CO-EXISTANCE if you find running boring combine it with your favourite music or podcast and only allow yourself to listen to the podcast/music when you are doing that thing so its alwasy a treat and something to look forward to.