Arm Balance poses in Yoga.
While I get these poses are not for everyone I do think on many levels they embody the teachings of yoga: do your practice, look after your mind & body to be your best self, work towards your goals but be flexible, patient, consistent, laugh, enjoy the journey & keep learning…
Reflecting on 2023
Instead of New Years Resolutions it is perhaps more useful to ask yourself some questions about the year to work out what to take forward & what to leave behind, building on what we have already achieved…
Headstand Journey
The slow journey towards Headstand - King of Asanas & all its health benefits.
The importance of grounding
In yoga practice we ground ourselves by drawing all the points of the feet into the floor, or breathing into the belly & grounding through the Root Chakra at the base of the spine. We focus on balance & pranayama to breathe into the root chakra, bringing us out of our heads & into focusing on the present.